Welcome from CEO/Superintendent
Dr. Matthew Wunder
As we look back on the past year, we celebrate the remarkable progress, learning, and impact we achieved together.
Da Vinci has stayed true to our vision of preparing students to lead, innovate and thrive in the modern world, while expanding our impact where it is needed most.
Over the past year, we have expanded our career education with new career launch initiatives (beyond career exposure), providing students with opportunities to learn new skills and be job-ready by the time they graduate.
Simultaneously, we persist in equipping students for college readiness. An impressive 95% of Da Vinci graduates fulfill the "A-G requirements" – the essential criteria for UC or Cal State university admission. In contrast, a recent EdSource study reveals that merely 44% of California high school seniors accomplish this standard. At Da Vinci, students are empowered to navigate their academic journey with confidence, knowing that every choice contributes to their growth.
A groundbreaking 2023 Alumni Early Career Outcomes Research study by Bain & Company and Charter School Growth Fund found that more than six out of ten Da Vinci graduates said that Da Vinci provided in-depth career exposure and information to help them understand the education and skills needed for future jobs (vs. 48% overall).
We look forward to continuing to provide students with the finest educational opportunities Da Vinci has to offer to help prepare them for college, career and life.

2,592 Students
6 Schools
Student Ethnicity:
Asian/Pacific Islander - 5%
Black or African American - 18%
Hispanic or Latino - 51%
Two or More Races - 7%
White - 14%
Other - 3%
1 College & Career Program
119 Zip Codes Served
Located 2 miles from LAX and
minutes away from leading tech,
aerospace and creative neighbors.
3,471 Alumni
$39.8MM Annual Operating Budget

People First
We put people first in everything we do.

We are better together.

We seek to foster education equity for all students.

We strive to build a better tomorrow.
Fully On Campus + Career Pathways
Da Vinci Communications
Computer Science
Multimedia Journalism
Media Production
Da Vinci Design
Graphic Design
Da Vinci Science
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Biomedical Engineering

Signature Practices
Small Schools with Unique Identities
Caring & Compassionate School Cultures
Project-based, College-Prep Curriculum
Real-World Learning
Mastery-Based Grading
Presentations of Learning
College Classes in High School

Hybrid Learning Programs
Da Vinci Connect
Da Vinci RISE High
Rivet School with Da Vinci
Grades TK-8: Homeschool and on-campus instruction using project-based and social emotional learning.
Grades 9-12+: College degree completion along with a high school diploma, for free. Students also gain career readiness skills through a business management pathway and hands-on, career-connected learning experiences that prepare them for the workplace.
Personalized learning that meets the academic and social emotional needs of youth navigating disruptions in their academic journeys.
A college and career program where students complete transferable college courses or earn an A.A. degree or bachelor's degree with personalized support, all at no cost to students.
"Da Vinci Schools are among the finest I've seen." -Dr. David Brown, former Executive Director of Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)

2022-2023 HIGHLIGHTS

Investing in Success
Investing in education starts with ensuring that all students have access to highly motivated, qualified, and well-supported teachers. At Da Vinci,educators across our schools come together via the Da Vinci Institute for Professional Learning. Institute leaders facilitate monthly meetings with site liaisons, career pathway coordinators, alumni coordinators, and others to facilitate organizational connectedness, professional learning, network development, and career-connected learning. DV Institute also hosts a yearly conference to bring together innovative educators and change agents from across the globe to transform teaching and learning.
Using Real-Time Data to Drive Student Outcomes
Da Vinci's data team has developed a number of interactive data dashboards to offer valuable insights into student performance, attendance trends, and more, empowering educators to tailor instruction and collaborate across school sites. The Real World Learning Dashboard (above), provides a snapshot of the number of of interactions students have had with industry partners (2,375 over the past year) and the type (guest speakers, field trips, career training, etc.). Gaining real-world experiences where students can develop their skills and explore potential career paths is a signature practice at Da Vinci Schools.

Connect TK-8:
CA Distinguished School

Da Vinci Connect TK-8 earned the state’s highest honor as a 2023 California Distinguished School.
Da Vinci Connect is one of 356 elementary schools out of 5,824 statewide to be recognized for outstanding work in closing the achievement gap and achieving exceptional student performance.

Financial Literacy:
Key to Making Smart Money Choices
In April 2023, we had the honor of hosting State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond who recognized Da Vinci Schools as a leader in bringing personal finance curriculum to students. Supt. Thurmond visited 12th grade teacher Christopher Jackson's College & Career Readiness and Financial Literacy class at Da Vinci Communications and spoke directly with students as part of his effort to tour model schools and get input from students about making personal finance a high school graduation requirement.
Making College Free: Rivet School with
Da Vinci
Da Vinci Schools established an exciting new partnership with Rivet School, a reimagined college and career pathway program in which Da Vinci continuing seniors can earn a career-focused AA and/or BA in just 2-3 years for free while working and going to school part-time. Students move at their own pace by mastering projects each week. Da Vinci is committed to providing a pathway to associate and bachelor's degree completion without financial barriers for all students.
Meeting Workforce Demand
In March, 13 Da Vinci alumni successfully completed Da Vinci’s first-ever Certified Nursing Training Program. Partnering with El Camino College and Downey Adult School, the 8-week training program delivered an engaging curriculum that helped students gain the knowledge and skills needed to pursue their dreams of a career in nursing. With an aging population that is surging in California, the need for skilled and dedicated nursing assistants is greater than ever. All 13 Da Vinci alumni who completed the program passed the CNA exam – a 100% pass rate!

Hands-On Career Education
From welding to artificial intelligence, business, aviation, space system design, robotics, and graphic design, about 200 middle and high school students explored potential career interests and gained hands-on, project-based experiences through Da Vinci’s first-ever Summer Career Training Programs. Da Vinci hosted Welding and Summer Trades Camp in partnership with Harbor Freight Tools for Schools, Business Camp in partnership with L.A. Urban League, Stellar Camp in partnership with the U.S. Air Force, Aviation in partnership with Giving Kids Wings Flight Academy, and FutureShock in partnership with Teach For America’s Reinvention Lab.

Performing Arts Expansion
Our extended community has said they want more performing arts, and so we are building it! Da Vinci now offers Music and Theater to all students in grades TK-12 across our schools. As part of this expansion, we are also committed to partnering and collaborating with the Wiseburn Unified School District and Wiseburn Education Foundation (WEF) so that all kids in grades TK-12 can discover the joy, passion, and self-confidence that’s possible when they have the chance to engage in the performing arts. Also this year, we hired our first-ever Wiseburn Da Vinci Performing Arts Coordinator.
Building Community
Joint activities brought all Da Vinci schools and our local community together at CARnival, Winterfest, school dances, Robotics team competitions, WDV Athletics, Wiseburn Da Vinci music performances, Summer Camp, Da Vinci's STEAM Day, and more.

WDV Joins New Athletics League
The Wiseburn Da Vinci Wolves moved to the Pioneer League in 2022-23, offering
Da Vinci student-athletes a more competitive experience, more consistent game schedules, additional team levels, shorter travel times, and more. With 30 teams participating in 12 CIF sports, student-athletes from all Da Vinci high schools come together to play collectively as the Wiseburn Da Vinci Wolves.
Culture Matters

Da Vinci Schools have caring and compassionate school cultures. We survey staff, students and families annually to solicit critical feedback and to assess how we are doing.
Our Fall Net Promoter Score (NPS) is 67.8*, an exceptionally high score.
By comparison, Apple has a NPS of 53, Google is 51, and Amazon is 54
Student and parent/guardian surveys went out in the Fall and feedback revealed students and families think we’re awesome!
*Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a measure used to gauge customer loyalty, satisfaction, and enthusiasm with a company that’s calculated by asking customers one question: “On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this product/company to a friend or colleague?” Industry NPS benchmark for the education & training sector is 71.
People Matter

Da Vinci Schools continue to attract some of the best and brightest educators in the region. An organization-wide commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging for all students and staff. More than 60 percent of public-school students in California are Black or Latino, but only 20 percent of school administrators reflect these demographics. At Da Vinci, 77% of school leaders are people of color who reflect the identities of the students we serve.
Come As You Are
We believe all people should feel safe, welcome, and understood, and reaffirm our commitment to advancing diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging for all.


“I have a lot of great friends who love and accept me, and great teachers who support me completely. I love Da Vinci so much.”

“The student-centered approach is amazing. No other public high school facilitates this level and frequency of authentic learning experiences.”

“It is the best job and environment I have ever worked in. You can't help but grow intellectually and as a person. Kindness, consideration of others, thoughtfulness, and openness toward one another which everyone expresses on a daily basis, is infectious.”

Our industry, higher education and nonprofit partners support every facet of teaching and learning at Da Vinci, from providing project planning and career pathways support, to hosting interns, field trips, job shadows, teacher professional development, and much more.

95% of Da Vinci 2023 graduates completed the A-G college entrance requirements, 51% above the 2023 state average
71% four-year college acceptance rate (2012-2023)
82% of Da Vinci graduates enroll in college immediately after high school, 20% above the most recent state and national averages
91% of Da Vinci students persist in second year of college, 15% above the national average
64% of Da Vinci graduates said Da Vinci provided in-depth career exposure and information to help them understand the education and skills needed for future jobs vs. 48% overall (2023 GSGF/Bain Alumni Early Career Outcomes Report)
55% of Da Vinci alumni report positive feelings about the present and optimism about the future vs. 39% overall (2023 GSGF/Bain Alumni Early Career Outcomes Report)
38 A.A. degrees and 6 Bachelor degrees attained to date, debt-free, at Da Vinci Connect and Rivet School with Da Vinci
73 Certificates, 382 A.A. degrees, 592 Bachelor degrees, 38 Master degrees, and 1 PhD earned by Da Vinci grads since our inception
Da Vinci’s 449 graduates from the Class of 2023 were accepted to a wide range of right-fit colleges and universities across the nation, including:
UC Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford University, Boston University, USC, Loyola Marymount University, Howard University, Savannah College of Art and Design, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Southern New Hampshire University, El Camino College, and many more! For a complete list, click here.
With the Class of 2023, Da Vinci Schools has graduated 3,471 students!


(Next Gen Personal Finance / March 24, 2023)

(CA Collaborative for Educational Excellence / July 2023)
Da Vinci Schools’ commitment to a compassionate school culture centered on relationships and personalized support is exemplified in their approach to student learning and engagement. Recognizing the importance of serving the whole child, Da Vinci Schools created a centralized Data Hub aligned to California’s Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework, integrating academic, behavioral, and social-emotional data.

(NGLC / Spring 2023)
Da Vinci Schools’ identity is built on recognizing the challenges posed by the modern world, and—regardless of approach— each school’s definition of learner success is an interpretation of the phrase “future-ready skills.” In the following Q & A, Da Vinci Schools leaders and learners describe what “the Da Vinci way” means to them in their own words and tell the story of how their schools support learners for lifelong success.

Da Vinci Schools practices sound financial policies that support the long term overall health of the organization. Philanthropic contributions help support services and opportunities that we cannot provide with public funding alone. The 2022-2023 overall operating budget was $39.8 million.
Fiscal Responsibility Matters

We are so grateful to have a community of supporters that continues to give so generously.Thank you to all of our donors!
A-G Completion Improvement Grant Program
Ballmer Group
The Boeing Company
CA Department of Education
California Community Foundation
California Community Schools Partnership
Chevron Products Company
CTE Facilities Program
CTE Incentive Grant
Homeless Innovative Programs
Keck Foundation
Harbor Freight Tools for Schools
K12 Strong Workforce Program
Learning Innovation Fund
Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission
New Schools Venture Fund
Northrop Grumman Foundation
Northrop Grumman Systems Corp.
The Pipkin Family Foundation
The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
The STOP Foundation for Education
XQ Institute
Da Vinci Champions
Da Vinci Schools is governed by an independent Board of Trustees comprised of six distinguished community leaders. We are deeply grateful for the leadership, expertise and commitment of all our board members:
Da Vinci Board of Trustees

Jo Webber
Board President
Ray Santiago
Board Vice President
Brian Meath
Board Treasurer

Derrick Boston
Board Trustee
Founder & CEO
Pod Network LLC
Nigro Karlin Segal & Feldstein
Chief Administrative Officer
& General Counsel
Virgin Orbit

Raul Ochoa
Board Trustee
Leslie Heimov
Board Trustee
Chief Engineer for Thermal Products
The Boeing Company
Manager of Mechanical Engineering
Teledyne Controls
Executive Director
Children’s Law Center of California

Da Vinci Schools Fund Board of Directors
The Da Vinci Schools Fund (DVSF), a 501(c)3 non-profit, operates as Da Vinci Schools’ Education Foundation. The Fund's main focus areas are Development & Fundraising, Innovation, and Community Involvement. Its vision is to secure funding and resources to support Da Vinci Schools as an architect and leader in advancing innovative educational practices that transform teaching and learning.

Gary Wayland
Board President
Cindy Smet
Board Vice President
Don Brann
Nick Galano
Wayland & Vukadinovich
Independent Philanthropy Professional
Retired Superintendent
Director, Starlink Sales SpaceX

Chet Pipkin
Ilia Terrazas-Dickey
Founder and Executive Chairman

Jo Webber
Founder & CEO
Pod Network LLC

Nichol Whiteman
Chief Executive Officer
Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation